Bukit Merese

Merese Hill In Lombok And Tips For Go There!

Merese Hill or local residents call it Merisik which means bare hill. It is called bald because there are no trees on it, only one tree at the western end of the hill which visitors often call the Troubled Tree.

Merese Hill Location

Merese Hill is located in the southern part of Lombok and is still in the same area as Tanjung Aan Beach in the Kuta area of ​​Lombok.

From the city of Mataram, it is about two hours away while from Lombok International Airport it is only about 45 minutes away by motorized vehicle.

Climbing the hill is quite easy, from the car park you only need to walk about ten minutes to get to the top. The top of the hill is very wide and is divided into several parts. Each section offers a different view.


From Merese Hill you can also see two special moments, namely at sunrise and sunset. On the path when you start up the hill you will see a signpost that will direct you if you want to see the sunset or sunrise.

For those of you who spend the night in the Kuta Lombok area, just try to go to Bukit Merese and feel the morning sun with soft warmth combined with the aroma of green grass that has been hit by the morning dew.

Merese Hill
The Other Side of Merese Hill, So Romantic!!!

Tips for Maximizing Your Visit

  1. For those of you who don’t stay in Kuta and start the journey from the city or airport, try spending your time first at Kuta Beach, Seger Beach or Tanjung Aan Beach. At the end of the afternoon start climbing this hill and enjoy the sun which is slowly sinking. Towards sunset you will also find buffaloes returning from their cages after a day looking for food at the end of this hill.
  2. Bring enough drinks before going uphill to Merese Hill
  3. If you have a lot of time, don’t forget to visit Tanjung Bongo, a secret beach, exactly behind the hill to the right, you just walk along a cliff that is not too steep. After that you will find a beach whose water is clear like a pond.

This view will add to the exoticism of your trip. Just imagine, the sunset on the western horizon with the twilight-colored sky, the green grass, the white sand beach of Tanjung Aan and the blue waters of the southern Lombok sea, the hidden Tanjung Bongo Beach coupled with buffalo lined up neatly across this hill, will certainly make your trip be more effective.

Rarely you can find beauty and moments that combine like this.

Merese Hill, Kuta Lombok
A couple on vacation at Merese Hill

In addition to the beauty of the natural panorama, this hill is also very good for capturing the moment of your trip in the camera.

Not only selfies, some couples who are in love also choose this hill as the location for their pre-wedding photo shoot.

This hill is beautiful and will forever remain beautiful if we take care of it. For those of you who walk here, don’t forget not to litter. Bring your trash back down because there is no trash can above. A good traveler is one who enjoys nature responsibly.

What are you waiting for, let’s travel to Lombok Island with The Langkah Travel!

Merese, Kuta Mandalika
Merese Hill Troubled Tree, the only tree on this hill

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